
5 Unexpected Benefits of Adult Braces


If you are considering a visit to your San Diego orthodontist, you may hesitate, believing you are too old for orthodontic care. Although you dislike your crooked smile, you feel that you would be even more embarrassed spending months with braces on your teeth. “No,” you think. “I’m too old for that. Braces are for [...]

5 Unexpected Benefits of Adult Braces2020-12-28T18:16:09+00:00

Orthodontics Quiz: Which Treatment Is Right for You?


As one of the area’s leading orthodontic dentists, Dr. George Georgaklis offers a variety of treatment options. You can choose from traditional braces, Invisalign®, and accelerated teeth straightening at his San Diego office. Although each of these treatments can be extremely effective orthodontics, the right one for you will depend on your lifestyle, budget, personal [...]

Orthodontics Quiz: Which Treatment Is Right for You?2020-12-28T18:16:09+00:00

Are You a Candidate for Straight Teeth in Six Months?


Like many adults and teens, you may feel quite self-conscious about your crooked or gapped teeth. Your misaligned smile may even be holding you back in some area of your life. Perhaps you avoid smiling in social settings, or maybe you stay away from public speaking at work. Either way, you know you could benefit [...]

Are You a Candidate for Straight Teeth in Six Months?2020-12-28T18:16:10+00:00

Are Clear Braces Right for You?


As a renowned orthodontic expert, Dr. George Georgaklis offers several different options to achieve a straighter and healthier smile. Like many patients, you may be wondering about Invisalign® vs. braces at our San Diego practice. Both treatment options can successfully treat a range of orthodontic issues. However, you may be more suited to one treatment [...]

Are Clear Braces Right for You?2020-12-28T18:16:11+00:00

Prevention of White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics


As you might expect it is incredibly important to keep your teeth and mouth clean while having your teeth straightened with braces. As a San Diego orthodontist, a common problem that I see is the build up of decalcified enamel, which can appear to be a white spot lesion on the tooth. These lesions can be [...]

Prevention of White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics2020-12-28T18:16:21+00:00

2012 Cosmetic Dentistry Award


Dr. George was awarded the “Cosmetic Dentistry and Orthodontics” award by US Commerce Association for the second year in a row! Nationwide, only 1.4% of all 2011 award recipients qualified as Two Time Award Winners. Dr. George’s hard work and recognition in the commmunity as one of San Diego’s best dentists has allowed him to [...]

2012 Cosmetic Dentistry Award2020-12-28T18:16:21+00:00

Would You Like Straight Teeth by Summer?


I know we are in the midst of the holidays, Christmas music is everywhere and it is getting cold outside. However, it is not too late to start preparing to finally visit the dentist and fix that crooked smile that has been bothering you for years. Many of us make new beginnings during the summer, [...]

Would You Like Straight Teeth by Summer?2020-12-28T18:16:23+00:00

Invisalign Series 2 – Types of Cases Invisalign Can Treat


Welcome to the second post in our Invisalign series. Our first post covered the basics of Invisalign®, and now we are going to explore a variety of different cases and scenarios for which Invisalign® may be the optimal solution. […]

Invisalign Series 2 – Types of Cases Invisalign Can Treat2020-12-28T18:16:24+00:00
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