family dentistry

Understanding the Causes of Sleep Apnea


Apnea is the Greek word for “without breath”, so sleep apnea is sleep without breathing. Sleep apnea is very common and often becomes more frequent as age increases. If an individual stops breathing during the night, oxygen levels in the body fall. If this continues to occur frequently, blood oxygen levels could plummet to serious [...]

Understanding the Causes of Sleep Apnea2020-12-28T18:16:17+00:00

Common Discoloration Causes in Teens


Most of us think of discoloration as a problem that only adults face. However, I see more and more teenagers seeking teeth whitening at my San Diego practice. Teen tooth discoloration is caused by 2 common scenarios and can easily be treated through cosmetic dentistry or avoided all together with a variety of preventative measures. […]

Common Discoloration Causes in Teens2020-12-28T18:16:19+00:00

Dr. George Wins San Diego Magazine’s Top Dentist Award


Every year San Diego Magazine seeks to create a list of San Diego’s best dentists. The SD Magazine partners with San Diego County’s dentists and asks them to identify the “Top Dentists” in the area by voting for other dentists that they feel are worthy of recognition as one of the best dentists in San [...]

Dr. George Wins San Diego Magazine’s Top Dentist Award2020-12-28T18:16:27+00:00
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