Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:03+00:00Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of La Jolla Jaw PainDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:03+00:00December 25th, 2014| Jaw pain is a common ailment among adults and older teens. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of confusion about this condition. For example, what causes La Jolla jaw pain? Will you suffer from the [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:04+00:00How to Fight San Diego Stained TeethDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:04+00:00December 22nd, 2014| Tooth discoloration can have a tremendous impact on your smile. Even when you have straight, sound teeth, yellow or brown stains can give your smile an unhealthy appearance. Fortunately, there are a number of ways [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2022-07-05T19:28:15+00:004 Reasons to Visit a La Jolla Laser DentistDr. George Georgaklis2022-07-05T19:28:15+00:00December 20th, 2014| As a proponent of holistic dentistry, Dr. Georgaklis is proud to be a trusted San Diego laser dentist. He uses the latest soft tissue lasers to treat periodontal disease and perform cosmetic gum contouring. During [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:04+00:00San Diego Dentist: Treatments for Bleeding GumsDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:04+00:00December 17th, 2014| You’re brushing your teeth, when you suddenly realize that your toothpaste has turned a pinkish shade. Your gums are bleeding, but you don’t remember nicking them or biting down on something hard. Bleeding gums can [...]