Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:02+00:00Family Dentist in San Diego on Children’s Dentistry MythsDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:02+00:00January 9th, 2015| You want the best for your kids. However, when it comes to dental care, things can get a bit confusing. There are a lot of myths floating around about pediatric dentistry, and it can be [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:02+00:00Dental Expert Witness on Car Accidents and TMJ DisorderDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:02+00:00January 7th, 2015| As both a dental expert witness and a top San Diego Dentist, Dr. George Georgaklis is highly regarded for his knowledge of TMJ Disorder (TMD). This condition, characterized by chronic jaw pain and headaches, is [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:02+00:00San Diego Dentist Answers Short-Term Orthodontics FAQsDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:02+00:00January 6th, 2015| If your New Year’s resolution is to improve your smile and straighten your teeth, your San Diego dentist makes it easier than ever to stick to your goals. Thanks to his patented Straight Teeth in [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:03+00:00FAQs about San Diego Holistic DentistryDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:16:03+00:00December 29th, 2014| Dr. Georgaklis is proud to be one of the top practitioners of San Diego holistic dentistry. He understands that good dentistry is about more than a beautiful smile. Although the aesthetics of your grin are [...]
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