Dr. George Georgaklis2021-03-29T16:17:46+00:00Best Orthodontics San Diego and La JollaDr. George Georgaklis2021-03-29T16:17:46+00:00November 4th, 2019|When you are looking for the best orthodontics in San Diego to help you achieve the smile that you’re looking for, it is critical to do plenty of research to find what technique will be [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:15:32+00:00Botox as a Treatment for TMJDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:15:32+00:00May 10th, 2019|When most people hear the word “Botox,” they automatically think of the skin-tightening procedure as purely cosmetic, however Botox can actually be a solution for TMJ. TMJ, which is the dysfunction of the the temporomandibular [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:15:32+00:00A Straight Smile in just 6 Months with Rapid BracesDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:15:32+00:00March 27th, 2019|Braces are one of the most effective ways to achieve straight teeth and the smile you have always wanted. However, one of the most common concerns about getting braces is the time commitment involved. Depending [...]
Dr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:15:33+00:00Selecting a Top Dentist in San DiegoDr. George Georgaklis2020-12-28T18:15:33+00:00March 9th, 2019|When searching for a dentist to care for you and your family, it is imperative from not only a cosmetic standpoint, but also a health standpoint to find the very top dentist in your area. [...]
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